Practice herbalism with precision and confidence.
Our 6-month live online
Advanced Clinical Mentorship
is designed for budding herbal practitioners.

Verse Online Course
What is the Advanced Clinical Mentorship Program?
This weekly live, online program is crafted for western herbal medicine school graduates seeking:
â—‹ clinical herbalist mentors
â—‹ support for your new clinical practice
â—‹ lessons on complex pathology from experts
Dates: January 18 - June 27
Class Times: Weekly on Thursdays, 5:30-7:30PM PT
Prerequisites: 400 AHG-eligible hours
In this clinical mentorship program...
You get to be a fly on the wall with seasoned Clinical Herbalist, Laura Ash to observe clinical sessions held at the Verse Free Clinic.
Each month you'll observe 1 clinical session and discuss what's going on with the client through the lens of Western Herbal Energetics, Ayurvedic Doshas, taking in all of the testing and diagnosis that the client has brought in with them.
You'll gather a week later to discuss suggested client herbal and lifestyle protocols based on research.
The next week, you'll have space to share current client case studies for peer support and input.
Then, the following week features a special lecture from an expert guest teacher on topics including:
- Clinical Best Practices
- Working with Western MDs
- Fertility & Biomarker Testing
- Deep Immune Imbalances
- Applying Research to Clinical Practice
- Creating Products & Offerings for Clients
Program Overview

Gain 50 hours for your American Herbalist Guild (AHG) Registered Herbalist (RH) certification!

Live classes meet weekly on Thursdays from January to June between 5:30PM - 7:30PM PST.

Learn from practicing clinicians to gain deeper insights in your own clinical experience.
Only the best teachers.
We're honored to have a unique mix of long-time teachers, emerging voices, and in-the-field practicing herbalists who are excited to share their wellness wisdom with you!
Move beyond theoretical clinical work and into roundtable clinician discussions.
How much is the Advanced Clinical Mentorship?

*Are you a graduate of the
Verse Clinical Herbalist Program?
You're approved to sign up for the Advanced Clinical Mentorship without applying!
Enroll today as Verse GraduateStudent Testimonials
Monthly Program Structure
Clinical Session Observation
Free Clinic
with Laura Ash

Live Demo + Observing Client Session
Protocol Discussion Group
with Laura Ash

Suggested Protocol
Peer + Mentor Client Support
Case Studies
with Laura Ash

Current Client Case Studies Discussion
Special Guest
Complex Diagnostics
with Guest Teachers

Lectures from Experts based on Cohort Needs

In the Advanced Clinical Mentorship program, you'll learn:
- How to sit in session with clients
- How to use appropriate legal language when assessing symptoms and patterns of disease
- How to use clinical notes and organizing client sessions
- What research outlets are trusted for alternative medicine data
- How to craft a protocol with high compliance
- What alternative testing is available for herbalists, or what tests to request from the client
- How to craft client follow-up cadence
- When to use vitamin and mineral supplementation
- How to read: hormone panels & blood tests
- Creating herbal formulas based on energetics of plants
What are the Payment Plan Options?

*Are you a graduate of the
Verse Clinical Herbalist Program?
You're approved to sign up for the Advanced Clinical Mentorship without applying!
Enroll today as Verse Graduate
Proud Member of the
American Herbalist Guild
Our certification hours are eligible to be applied towards the American Herbalist Guild's Associate Herbalist and Registered Herbalists memberships.
Support your budding clinical skills and increase your herbal research acumen.