Join our Affiliate Program
It’s free to get started. Access marketing materials, promotional offers, and more directly from our secured online app.

Promote Verse
Share Verse with your audience, students, and community. Don't stress, we'll give you all the tools you'll need to get started.

Start Earning
Spread the word and get up to $247 per referral. Start earning commission instantly for referring people to our healing arts certifications.
Exclusive Discounts
Once you're a part of the Verse Affiliate Community, you'll have access to exclusive discounts and promotion offers from our amazing partners.
Collabs and Features
We'd love to feature you and share your work with our audience, too. All affiliates get the chance to be featured on our newsletter, social media channels, and website
Direct Commission
Anytime a student uses your code or unique link to register for a Land of Verse certification you earn instant commission (upt to $165) paid directly to you through our online app.